Sunday, November 29, 2020

Pandora's Box...which was actually a jar in mythology.

       So, Pandora opens the jar and evil is released into the world but left behind in the jar is hope. All the hate that's been released politically in the united United States, like Pandora's evil, takes on a life of its own. Hatred begets violence which spawns more violence and hatred. The floor of my machine shop is concrete. My tractors are all antique so when they are parked in the shop they drip oil on the floor. From time to time I also spill oil. Using some crushed absorbent from a bag I scatter the adsorbent material on the spilled oil and soak it up. Then I am able to sweep up the oil soaked absorbent and dispose of it. Though the spill is gone the stain remains. For me this serves as a metaphor for solving the problem of hatred and violence. It must be absorbed, as is spilled oil, however that does not mean that no effects remain. But returning violence with violence or hatred with hatred only intensifies the evil.

     That is the challenge for us as we move into the future. How can we be the absorbers of  hatred and violence?  "You have heard it said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek turn the other also... Mt. 5:33-34 NRSV

Takk for alt,


"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." Susan Ertz

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