Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Sentiments, too.

      "And I am a baseball writer now. I really have learned a lot about the game after all this time. I don't know everything. But I know a few things. I know what to look for. It's a great game for writers because it's just the right pace. You can watch the game and keep score and look around and take notes. Now and then you even have time to have an idea, which in many sports you don't have room for."  Roger Angell quoted in the Writer's  Almanac

    Yes, this is why televised baseball is so compatible with reading. As I wrote recently, "baseball is waiting for something to happen that seldom does."  Now days I sit in Joanne's chair, the TV tuned to the baseball game, the sound low, while I read my book. When the announcers voices rise I look up and watch the replay for the thing that 'seldom' happens. If one is actually watching the game as Angell says "you even have time for an idea." 😉  OK, OK, while I might have time for an idea it doesn't men that I will.

    Today provided a delightful opportunity, perfect weather and time, to visit Dennis at his place on St. Olaf Lake, near New Richmond, MN.  Dennis, and his wife, the late Maryann, became our friends when we arrived in Sioux Falls at the same time, i.e., 1975. On the principle I espoused earlier, that it's often easy to form friendships with others, who like you, are also new in the community.  Now we share notes on life in the land of grief, Maryann having died a year previous to Joanne.
    Filling out the group today were Les and Carolyn, who have been friends of the Negstads since Augustana days in the early 60s. However, Les, was also pastor to Dennis and Maryann when he was at Our Savior's, Sioux Falls. Interlocking friendships makes the connections even better.
    Trygve, too, loved being at the lake.

Takk for alt,


Maryann, Joanne, Al and Trygve at the lake.

Dennis, Les, Carolyn and Al at the lake today.

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