Wednesday, July 24, 2019

7/24/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — a minute ago
He was on the search committee and chair of the board of ALSMO (Association of Lutheran  Social Ministry Organizations) when Joanne was interviewed and chosen as CEO.  He said the decision was easy. Joanne came prepared with her own questions for the search committee and the choice was unanimous.  Two years later ALSMO became Lutheran Services America, a consortium of the social service agencies and long term care facilities affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and The Evangelical Lutheran Church.  Another search was done and Joanne was chosen as President/CEO of LSA.  He was elected to the LSA Board and served as chair throughout Joanne's tenure. He and Joanne had a marvelous working relationship and deep mutual respect.
    It was my privilege to visit Nelson (first name) and his wife, Shirley, today in their home in Columbus.  Naturally we told Joanne stories.  Nelson told about a particularly busy week, perhaps the week of the national conference.  On Friday they were talking on the phone and Nelson said he was happy to go home and rest.  When he asked Joanne if she was going to rest she said "O no, I have 12 people coming for pheasant dinner tomorrow night."  Nelson "You do?"  Joanne, "O yes that energizes me." That was my Joanne!
    Nelson and Shirley also live in the land of grief and Shirley shared this quote with me "Those who think there is a time limit when grieving, have never lost a piece of their heart."  Isn't that the truth! How blessed I am to find soul mates with whom to share the presence of absence.  Oblivious to the passage of time we talked until a phone call reminded me that time to return to Dayton.

Takk for alt,


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