Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Here's the deal

Readers of my blog know by now that I'm in Bkk. What some of you know and others may not are my plans. Tomorrow I fly via Lao Air to Vientiane the capital of Laos. From there I plan to take a bus south and east on the Laos side of the Mekong river. This is a trip that I began in 2003 and was prematurely interrupted when, after crossing into Thailand to use the inter-net, I was denied re-admittance to Laos. My intention is to get off the tourist trail and see some other things. I'll eventually work my way back to Bkk by bus.
On Feb. 4, I begin three weeks of volunteer time with the International Foundation for Research Expeditions (IRFE). The first week will be given to cultural and language studies and then I'm to spend two weeks in a co-ed, temple, elementary school (K-6) teaching? English. You'll hear more about this all as it unfolds.
There was a power outage last night from 1:30-3:30 am. I don't know if was more than the hotel. There were several flickers during the 2hrs but the hotel is large and every room has it's own a/c. Tough to start all those compressors at once.
Weather report: mid 90s every day, 80 every night.

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