Saturday, January 26, 2008

Good Evening from Laos

I treated myself to a lunch of Laab, the Laotian national dish like hamburger and french fries to Americans. The first time I ate Laab I mistook the long green veggie for a green bean. It turned out to be a pepper. Laab's hot to begin with........ It's served with sticky rice which is eaten with the fingers.
Found out that the chicken bus south leaves every hour on the hour. Gives me lots of choices and no concern about missing it.
Central Vientiane, where I'm staying, has become very touristy. I see as many Caucasians on the street as Asian. There many shops and services that cater to tourists. Still don't see many Americans and I hear a wide variety of languages...many of which are European. It'll be good to spend some days in the non-tourist country side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Al, The Des Moines contingent of your fan club logging in here to say hello and we hope you feel real good about the fact that we are in week two of an arctic blast. All my best,