Friday, June 7, 2024

Unusual Sighting!

       Badgers leave their marks on my land. One spring there were seven sites on a hundred acre field where badgers had dug out pocket gophers. While the gophers are subterranean these leave multiple mounds above ground that are a real nuisance. Badgers are nocturnal, so while I see where they've dug for gophers, I've seldom seen them.

    Today I did see one running on the road just ahead of the truck. Judging from its size it was probably a young one. It ran down the road a ways on its stubby legs before plunging into the tall grass in the ditch. Unfortunately, there is a bounty on them. East of my land is a 480 acre pasture. The badger's den might be in that space.

    I also saw a killdeer chick. They're the cutest things. Little round, fuzz balls, on long legs. 

Takk for alt,


PS I did see a badger on Crete last fall. We were driving from town to the farm after dark and it was on the road.


Killdeer chick.

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