Friday, June 14, 2024


     As a contributor to Central Asia Institute, (CAI) (Three Cups of Tea) I received their annual report for 2023. It appears that CAI is thriving. They report 4,673 donors. Some statistics: funding for overseas programs increased 17% in a year, 1,135 teachers received support, 42,108 were reached through direct programs an increase of 41% in a year, 14,085 students enrolled including 9000 girls an increase of 35% in a year, 4,314 woman who participated in job skills and livelihood training, and 52 women who participated in apricot processing program increased their income and average of 180%. They reported fund raising cost of seventeen cents to raise one dollar. 

    A major emphasis of CAI has always been the education of girls. This has expanded to major support for women. There are also over 5000 boys in CAI Schools. CAI does good work!

Takk for alt,


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