Saturday, June 29, 2024


        After the Sinai reunion last night, Kaia and I motored to the OFH today.  I saw many dead spots where water flooded farm fields. In one large flooded area the water was so deep and wide that today's wind was whipping up whitecaps!

     The 4th of July brings out the fireworks in Sinai. That's agitating for Kaia because she thinks it's gunfire and she should be retrieving birds. Thus, we retreat to the quiet of the OFH.

    It occurred to me that I'm too old for the school (?) reunion. With the school closing 60 plus years ago the majority of the persons at the reunion were too young to have graduated in Sinai. True, there were several even older than I, but most of the participants were significantly younger and busily engaged in conversation with their peers. There were only 8 in my graduating class; 2 girls and 6 boys, and I'm the only surviving male. The girls are alive but were not in attendance. 

   It's nice to drop in on the OFH occasionally.  Scheduled medical/dental appointments Mon.., Tuu., Wed., and Fri....actually 2 on Friday, will structure my week.

Takk for alt,


1 comment:

Michelene said...

You didn’t mention social engagement 😀