Tuesday, June 25, 2024


        A friend is planning a trip to Argentina early next year. Conversation about it brought back memories of travel there. Twenty-five years ago Lisa and I climbed African Kilimanjaro, 19,340 feet. After that trip I said to Lars, "If we're going to climb Kilimanjaro we should do it before I get much older." He replied "I don't want to do that, I want to go to Argentina."  So we went, it was in 2000 I think.

      We flew into Buenos Aires and spent some days there. We then bused into Patagonia to El Carafate. This put us in proximity to the Andes so we did some mountain hiking. Was it from there we visited Petito  Moreno Glacier? Bus then took us to Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city, at Tierra Del Fuego.  Lars wanted to go there becasue he'd been to the world's farthest north city.  Ushuaia is 600 miles from Antarctica.

    Our visit to Argentina followed their severe economic crash so the peso was weak and the dollar strong.  Other than Greece, I've never eaten so well in my life.  A meal for two with appetizer, salad, grass-fed beef (it is better) steaks, side, dessert and a carafe of fine Argentinian wine was about $12.00.  With a large Italian population the Italian food was also superb. 

    Lars was a good and, mostly patient travel companion. Once when I'd asked the same question too many times he replied "Welcome to elder hostel." 😀

Takk for alt,


     Visiting the penguins on Tierra Del Fuego.

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