Friday, June 28, 2024


      The roof on The Little House was quite new when we bought it in 2007. It still appears to be in good shape. However, yesterday water began to leak through the wainscoted ceiling of the porch. Apparently the porch on the north side was an add on to the original house and it sprung the first leak since we occupied the place. Roof leaks are exceedingly annoying.

    What to do? Roof climbing is in my past. A text to Montana, the neighbor who replaced my roof ventilator, brought him over with a ladder when he got home from work. The only eve trough is a short section over the front door. Montana removed some old fasteners for the trough and caulked the holes. Then he crawled up in the attic and inspected the roof from that vantage point. Entering attics via minute trapdoors is also in my past. 😃  The roof looked good from that view. After removing a few more old trough fasteners and caulking the holes he took his ladder and went home.

   Last night it rained again .7" and there was NO LEAK!  "Good fences make good neighbors" Robert Frost.  No fence but I have good neighbors!

Take for alt,


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