Thursday, June 27, 2024

Recent Book, Copyright 2023

       Michele lent me The End of Drum-Time, and she was correct when she said she thought I'd like it This one will stick with me for a long time. Author Hanna Plyvainen has set this historical novel in the 1850s. The locus is the artic area where Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia converge. It is a sympathetic treatment of the plight of the nomadic Sami people at the time of the Laestadian awakening led by Lutheran Pastor Lars Levi Laestadius. 

    Laestadius success in converting the Sami, to the effect of arresting their alcoholism, raises the ire of the Swedish state church. The Sami are also caught in the rivalry between Russia and Norway. Russia's response to Norway's refusal of fishing rights is to close it's northern border threatening the Sami's traditional migration to route to the sea.

       Plyvainen, who grew up in Laestadian Lutheran Church, is a gifted writer who weaves an engaging tale of the plight of the Sami. Her characters caught in the cross cultural conflict are sympathetic. The title, The End Of Drum Time, refers to the imposition of Christianity, ending the indigenous use of drums in their native worship. It is a very readable book, engaging from the first page that gains more strength as it progresses. This is a significant contribution for anyone concerned about the plight of indigenous peoples anywhere.

Takk for alt,


PS Rain at The Little House.  

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