Monday, January 29, 2018

It Was A Mob Scene!

     Walking unto the school yard this morning students came running from all corners to greet me.  Perhaps it was my moment as a rock star.  A few changes in the teaching staff includes a new, young...31 years old...6th grade teacher with good English skills.  She will be helpful in upgrading the level of English awareness among the staff.  Some of the senior teachers have little interest in English.  The principal, now in her second year, is interested in advancing the school but is frustrated with the institutional inertia.
     The 25 third graders are new to me so I'm working hard on learning their names.  Fortunately they all have short nicknames, some of which I struggle to pronounce.  Maybe I'll just call one girl 'George' in lieu of her real name, which, every time I try sends the class into paroxysms of laughter.  Having 24 students yelling her name at me doesn't help a bit.  My, they are a lovely bunch, too.  We have a lot of fun but I have high expectations that they will pay attention...which is not always assumed by the teachers.
      There were twenty + students in my 5th grade room, all except one of whom I had last year.  The majority of them I could call by name because I've had them for two previous years.   The twins in the room I still  cannot tell apart though their class mates can.
Morning flag raising,

5th graders...I always draw a crowd as I wait for a ride.

"George" is on the left.

Amanda Lee wanted me pictured riding a motorcycle.

1 comment:

Tom von Fischer said...

So, what's new? You've always been a rock star.
T from Grace