Saturday, April 11, 2009

Age is a funny thing!

Awhile back I was visiting in Mohall, ND, the place of my first call. In a chat with Erma Aalund she said to me, "Pastor Al, how old do you feel on the inside?" My reply was, "Probably about nineteen, how about you Erma?" Ninety three year old Erma replied, "Oh, probably about twenty one."
The book, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS, by Sara Gruen, which I just read for the neighborhood book club we started, got me thinking about age. Feisty Jacob, age ninety or ninety three , he isn't sure which, has something significant to say about aging.
As I walked to the grocery store this morning Lisa walked with me on her way to Starbucks. I was remembering the day I walked her to her first day of kindergarten. Someone said, "time walks on quick feet". That is certainly my experience.
It may be in one of Elizabeth Connor's books that I read something like this. "Old age is better marked by the wisdom of the soul than the infirmity of the body." I just hope I don't end up both infirm and unwise!

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