Sunday, October 6, 2024

Company Came!

     This OFH consists of two buildings Lexington Landing I, and Lexington Landing II. II is newer and all independent living apartments. I was built first and has independent living, assisted living and  memory care. I is my home. Both buildings have guest apartments.

    When I called for a guest apartment reservation both guest rooms in my building were booked. Fortunately, room was available next door so that is where Paul and Roseanne are staying. Roseanne has Sinai connections. Both of her parents, one a Halvorson and the other a Mathison, grew near Sinai. However, that is not how I first knew them. They were students at Augustana a year behind me, Paul was a year behind me in seminary, so we were acquaintances. Bonding came later.

   In 1968 I was called to Mohall, ND., and a year later was called to Berthold, ND. We were separated by about 50 miles most of which was a gravel road. In spite of that we were together a lot, became good friends and never again lived in proximity. We've visited but mostly we've connected by phone. Paul's sister lives a few blocks from the OFH and they will move there tomorrow. 

   Recently they moved into an OFH in Tacoma, WA. It will be fun to compare notes on our living situations. Entertaining is so easy here, put them in the guest suite and bring them to the dining room.

Takk for alt,


PS Paul is the other reader of this blog.

                                 My OFH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

;-> from Not-Paul