Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Modern Convenience

         It's hard to over imagine the gap between my elementary education with eight years in a one room schoolhouse and today's technology at my fingertips. The book I'm currently reading was written a hundred years ago. The period the novel describes is in the fourteenth century. Consequently, there is much archaic vocabulary. With my handy smart phone by my side I Google the words I don't know. For example the book never uses the word 'believe' using in its place the antique 'trow'. Obviously elementary school offered no computer classes.

      We did get The Weekly Reader every week at school bringing us news of the wider world. One article from the Reader sticks in my mind. The gist of that article was that there was a new substance which was so significant it would transform our lives. Any guesses about what was being described? Plastic! Truly plastic has transformed our lives for good and ill.

Takk for alt,


              This school picture was taken when I was in third grade.                              These thirteen came from five families.

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