Saturday, October 12, 2024


        By nature I'm a very linear person. Typically I read one book at a time, unlike others who have several books going simultaneously.  However, I started a lengthy book but was moved also to read Sigrid Unset's Kristen Lavransdatter I: The Bridal Wreath. Naively thinking it was a single book, and not a trilogy, I first bought the second book. When I discovered my mistake it made me even more keen to read book One.  Unset received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1928, and this book passes the test of time.

     The books tell the story of a rich woman's life in thirteenth century Norway. While many of the customs are unfamiliar the human emotions and personal foibles are not. The book has been in continuous print since its first publication testifying to its enduring appeal. 

    Kristin is raised in a Norwegian manor house. It was personally intriguing to me becasue in our travels in Norway Joanne and I stayed in a manor house near Opdal, Norway. Our hosts were her second cousin and wife. Many of the place names in the book were also familiar from our travels in the country. 

      Reading Kristen engaged me from the outset and became even more compelling.  Fortunately I have volume two so I can read on. These are books I'm finally reading that should have been read long ago.

Takk for alt,


PS In the time in which the book is set daughters were clearly the property of their fathers until they were married. Even in our day there was vestige of this is in the wedding ceremonies when thee question was asked "Who gives this woman to this man?" 

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