Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who needs periods?

      Who needs periods? Not  Norwegian Jon Fosse who wrote 670 page Septology without one. Fosse, the winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize for literature apparently has been writing in that style for years. It matters little reading his stream of consciousness books. Michele lent my his Aliss At The Fire, first published in 2004, and also written without a period... it doesn't matter.

    Unlike Septology, which now may be my favorite book ever, replacing Suskao Endo's Silence, is brief, at only 107 pages. One sitting was enough to complete it. Should one want to tackle reading Fosse before attempting Septology, which I read twice for benefit, either Aliss or The Shining are brief books. Perhaps The Shining is the better of the two.

    In 2002 Aliss still waits for her husband to return from boating on the fjord in 1979. While she waits family history is played out in her imagination. It was an eerie read because a friend in Norway, Knut's, brother was lost in similar circumstances. It's a very thought provoking book which will ruminate in my mind for a ling time.

    I recommend it and reading Jon Fosse.

Takk for alt,


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