Saturday, September 21, 2024

Two days in...

   By September 21, 1959, I was two days into USMC Boot Camp. Yes, we wondering what had hit us. Somehow we survived and came out the other side. There were some who didn't make it. Likely they received a general discharge and were sent home. Who paid their return fare?  I have no idea.

   Frode and I were comparing notes on persons being drummed out of the service. He said when he was in training in the Army Air Corps they were roused at 2:00 a.m., and stood in formation while one was drummed out. His infraction? cheating. While we stationed at Camp Pendleton the entire battalion, 500+ Marines, was assembled on the parade ground. The offender was placed in front of all of us. Charges were read including a dishonorable discharge and then the entire battalion was ordered "ABOUT FACE!" And everyone's back was turned to the offender. The drums played "Retreat." He was marched away. His offense AWOL, Absent Without Leave. The ceremony had its intended effect on the assemble troops. 

   Fall falls tomorrow while summer weather persists.

Takk for alt,


Aboard ship I'm standing next to our beds, called 'racks' ,with about two feet vertical space between. They were quite comfortable with canvas roped to tubular, aluminum frames. All gear had to be off the floor (deck) during the day thus all the stuff on the racks. M-1 rifles hung nearby.

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