Thursday, September 5, 2024

Edward Markquart 7/29/40-9/3/24

      It was 1964 and we were juniors, first year students, at Luther Seminary. This is where our friendship began and continued until last Tuesday. A third classmate, Rollie Martinson, formed our close-knit trio. Staying connected over the years, though geographically separate, first letters and visits kept us bonded.  In later years it was regular phone calls and Facebook postings that maintained the relationship.

    Ed's last years were marked by one medical event after the other, all of which could have been fatal. Through it all he maintained his zest for life and love of people. Caring for his wife, Jan, as she suffered memory loss was his main endeavor.  Regularly he visited persons in care facilities who were without family. Forming deep bonds with them through regular visits he brought joy to their lives.  Every call from him brought news of some project on which he was working. Facebook pictures were often with those in care facilities. He's one about whom it is accurate to say "he was larger than life."

    His death makes me very sad and deeply aware of how blessed I was to have him as a friend. Generosity was a driving force in his life. It was a not a value that he learned at home. In a phone conversation I asked him the source of this commitment in his life. He didn't answer immediately but did in the subsequent call. His answer; his passion for generosity came from the Gospel!  There is the secret to his abundant life and ministry.

    Rest is peace good and faithful servant, Ed, and multitudes will call you blessed.

Takk for alt,


                         With Ed, center, and Rollie in 2019.          

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