Thursday, December 6, 2018

12/6/2018 Caringbridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — a minute ago
For many years my hearing has been compromised.  Its been at least eleven years that I've worn hearing aids.  Joanne purchased hearing aids from Costco a couple of years before she died.  A friend suggested I take her hearing aids to Costco to see if they could be re-programmed for me.  Costco not only re-programmed them for me but did so without charge because they were still under warranty.  These aids were a huge improvement over my obsolete ones which were ten years old.
     Yet, I still had hearing problems.  My Hmong students are very soft spoken.  When they were reading I could usually hear well enough to understand.  But, in conversation with them, much of what they said was unintelligible to me.  It was so difficult that I wondered if I would need to discontinue volunteering.
      In May I began a process with the Veteran's Administration, originally to see if I was eligible for VA hearing aids, which led to receiving new aids.  With my new aids I can hear my students!  WOW! What a gift!  Finally I can have real dialogue with the students without asking them to repeat, or smiling and nodding as if I understood when I didn't.
      Naturally there are others who will also benefit from my improved hearing.  Were Joanne still alive I could probably understand what she says from her chair in the far corner as I enter the condo.  These aids are synchronized with my phone so I hear telephone calls through them.



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