Monday, December 17, 2018

12/17/2018 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — 22 minutes ago
In quiet moments through this day the insight of yesterday, regarding what I've become in the absence of Joanne, has been rolling around the corners of my mind.  Reflecting on the things I've done because Joanne is not here was an eye opener for me.  At dinner tonight with dear friends this quote from Valarie Kaur was shared, "What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb?" 
     There is a way in which the darkness of my grief has also generated new life; see yesterday's post.  This 'tomb vs womb' too, will bear further reflection.  Out of death comes life?  Yes, I guess, but what are all the implications?  Given a choice I'd just take Joanne back and gladly relinquish the new.  However, that's not a choice is it?  With the reality of Joanne's death and the pain that comes with that, where do the new beginnings fit?
      Yes friends, a mind in turmoil.  Yet, there are stirrings of hope and optimism.  Stay tuned.



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