Wednesday, August 15, 2018

8/12/2018 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — Aug 12, 2018
      Four months ago this day, April 12, Joanne died.  It wasn't like the obituary I saw in the Strib today for a 15 year old boy who died of cancer.  Neither was it like my brother, Richard's death, who died shoveling snow at age 62.  Joanne was 82, and diagnosed with cancer in July 2017.  True, we were told in November that she was cancer free, but still death at 82 shouldn't be that much of a surprise.  Why did we, or I at least, assume more time than she had?
     Back to the comics.  Another strip I follow, besides Pickles mentioned last night, is Heart Of The City by Mark Tatulli.  Heart, the main charcter is a precocious, elementary age, girl.  She lives with her single mom in a city apartment.  In a strip that ran last Thursday, she's sitting on the steps to her apartment building with her best friend.  Her friend says "DO YOU EVER WONDER IF FUDGIE WUDGIES ON THE FRONT STOOP WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND ON A SUMMER NIGHT IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS?"  She replies, "IT'S HARD TO IMAGINE THE STUFF YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW AS THE BEST EVER.  CHECK BACK WHEN I'M 50."
      My spiritual director once told me that the essence of prayer is paying attention.  Paying attention could also describe the good life and good marriage.  Yes, "It's hard to imagine the stuff you're doing" might be the best ever.  Why did I blithely assume there would be more time?  "Check back when I'm..." Then death intervenes, which means that there are not going to be any "do overs".  I'm left with all that I took for granted and that's not comforting.



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