This has been a day of trying to get my bio-rhythms back in sinc. During my 24 hours of travel from Minneapolis to Bangkok I could track the Minneapolis time by my hunger pangs. Every time it was meal time at home I was hungry. When I finally got to my room at 1:00 a.m. Wednesday morning, Bangkok time, I could hardly sleep, even though I only slept a couple of hours on he plane. My body said it's noon in Minneapolis why are we going to bed now?
It was a cool 72 degrees when we landed last night at midnight. But I'm happy to report that now it's in the 90s so I've been suitably hot when I'm out walking. The air here doesn't bite me as it does in Minnesota.
I love the little monitors mounted on the seat backs of planes on international flights. I wonder how many hands of Blackjack I played...perhaps I'm ready for a casino...except I'm too frugal to risk losing money. The GPS system shows the location of the plane and I looked out the window as we flew over Mohall, ND, where we used to live. At one point the GPS indicated that we were flying into a 180 mph headwind!
When I went to my favorite Internet Cafe this morning I discovered it was gone. I'm using a computer in the Christian Guesthouse where I more plugging coins into it I now, it's pay at the desk. However, when I use spell check on this blog it gives the Thai word. So, if there are an unusual number of errors in this blog.... I went to my favorite barbershop that I've been frequenting for years and the whole staff is new. Never-mind, I got a haircut anyway.
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