Monday, June 10, 2024

Joanne's Magic

        It was summer Greek that kept me on campus the summer of 1963. Dr. Orvis Hanson was my teacher and he was tutoring me in Greek for college credit. At noon I went to the cafeteria at Augustana College for lunch. There I encountered two uncles and aunts who were visiting campus. Joanne was with them because her family was neighboring friends in St. Paul of one couple; uncle and aunt. So I was introduced to Joanne and joined them all for lunch. A few days later, again at the cafeteria, I encountered Joanne and we lunched together. That was the beginning.

     From the first time I met her I found Joanne very engaging. Throughout our life together there were countless times I saw Joanne work her magic on others. Often I've pondered what it was about her that was so engaging to people. Certainly her interest in the other and her willingness to listen were very significant. Reading the description of a woman in a book gave me an insight to understanding Joanne. The woman was described " full of vitality as her smile was full of light..."

    VITALITY...that I think is the word that describes Joanne.  She was full of vitality and that is much of what others responded to.  It was her vital energy and interest in others that made her a people magnet. Blessed I was to share so many years with her and I live with rich memories.

Takk for alt,


At our fiftieth celebration.

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