Friday, July 12, 2024

Competitive Plowing.

        Competitive plowing at the National Plowing contest is really not a spectator sport. Ed was correct in telling me that in advance. It was interesting to see about ten old men on ten old tractors plowing with ten old plows. Each unit had an assigned section in which to plow. The metrics of the competition were, and remain, a mystery. Plowers would dismount their tractors and take measurements with a tape measures. The old tractors were familiar. 

     Over the years I've done much plowing but never competitively. In this part of the country moldboard plowing is in the distant past replaced by conservation tillage. Nice used plows sell for the price of scrap iron. My four bottom, semi-mounted plow was purchased new in the '60s by my brother.  It is useful for plowing my food plots. As a high school boy I spent many hours hired to plow for a neighboring farmers.

     Raise your hand if you have experience plowing.

Takk for alt,


Dad bought a new Farmall H, like this contestant after WW II.  We did much plowing with it and my brother still has it.
A Caterpillar 15 plowing in the contest.

1 comment:

Michelene said...

One of your many city readers need clarification , what do you mean when you say, “ In this part of the country moldboard plowing is in the distant past replaced by conservation tillage.” Moldboard plowing is this what these competition were called.