Saturday, July 6, 2024

Bad Gas!

    That blog title sounds like a lead-in to joke about the sign at a service station with a café, "Eat here, Get Gas." Actually this story is not a a joke. Lisa's lawnmower wouldn't start. A quick check of the spark plug revealed it clean and carbon free. Next guess 'gas is too old.'  With a shot of starting fluid it immediately started adding credence to the 'bad gas diagnosis.' When we replaced the old fuel with new it ran!  I've had tractors standing for a longtime in my shop that wouldn't run until the gas was replaced.

    With the mower problem solved it was off to Costco. Noon on Saturday is NOT the best time to go, but go we did. While the store was busy it was a successful shopping trip. 

   Dinner this evening with friends, sitting outdoors, and this is what suffices for excitement in my life.

Takk for alt,


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