Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sinai lore!

      Today, at the noon meal at the bank the question was asked "Why does that house of two front doors  side by side?" Thereby hangs a tale, That "house" did not begin as a house. It's use as a house is the third iteration of the building. It began its life as Sinai's school house. Early in the last century a new school house was built which housed grades 1-12. When the school closed many years ago a family bought the building and converted it to their house.

    With the construction of the new school building the old one was repurposed. It had three functions, for which the two front doors served two. Entering the door on the left brought one into the living quarters of the superintendent of the school. The right-hand door led to the school's dining room where students were fed. Thus the building came to be called "The Soup House."

    The basement housed the wood shop where students were instructed in the skills of woodworking. That shop was formative for my future. It was there that I learned that woodworking was NOT to be my future. This is in contrast to one of my classmates who went on to be a cabinet maker. In a similar vein, taking bookkeeping in high school also taught me not considering a career in accounting. 

Takk for alt,


The square building is the 'new school' now demolished. The domed building was the gym built by WPA and now used as a warehouse. 

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