Sunday, July 7, 2024


       When I was a boy lapel pins were given for a year's perfect attendance in Sunday School. These clever gold pins had removable numbers. So a student who had perfect attendance a second year could remove the '1' and replace it with a '2', etc. When was that practice discontinued? Long, long ago!

    Today attending my home congregation for two Sundays in a row I wondered if I'd get a certificate for that?  Nope, all I got was "atta boy." However, it was a treat to be there and coffee hour gave an opportunity for Luther's third sacrament "the mutual conversation and consolation of the saints."

Takk for alt,


                                Note how the University buildings surround the church.


Anonymous said...

I had one of those pins from SS.

Audrey Lidberg said...

Me, too! In my jewelry box I’d guess!

Audrey Lidberg said...

Me, too!

Audrey Lidberg said...

I still have mine!