Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Good Word For a Civil Servant.

      I remember reading a comment some years ago from a person who had an unpleasant encounter with a clerk is some government office, i.e, a person in civil service..  The commentator said to the person behind the counter "I don't expect you to be a servant but I do expect you to be civil."   I was reminded of that today when I went to the Hennepin County Service Center to transfer a title.
    This adventure began when I attended Orville and Helen Schultz auction sale.  Though there were several antique tractors on the sale I came away without one.  What I did buy was a trailer...a tractor upgrade from the one I've been using.  Trailers are titled and licensed so I needed to transfer the title into my name.
   The Service Center is about four blocks from our condo.  This afternoon I went to do the transfer.  At the information desk I explained what I needed and was given a number which would be called when it was my turn.  After a ten minute wait my number was called.  As I approached the counter Kathleen, the clerk, welcomed me warmly, facilitated the process with a smile and in about five minutes the task was complete,  A pleasant wish from her sent me on my way.
    She was more than civil.  Her attitude turned the encounter into a day brightener.  It's not hard to imagine the unpleasant  situations she encounters but it hasn't jaded her.  Thanks, Kathleen!

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