Thursday, October 15, 2009


Former President Jimmy Carter was roundly chastised for saying that some of the virulent reaction to President Obama's health reform is racist. Intuitively that makes sense when I'm honest about the latent racism in me. However, such motivation is hard to prove.
Now research, quoted in the October 20, 2009 CHRISTIAN CENTURY provides some proof. "...researchers Marc J. Hetherington and Jonathan D. Weiler have evidence that Carter is on to something. They analyzed a late 2008 survey that asked people if they favored a government-run health care system, a system like the one we have now, or something in between. The same survey also asked four questions on race designed to measure racial resentment. The findings revealed a strong correlation between racial resentment and opposition to health-care reform. They say that no such correlation exited in the 1990s when the Clinton administration was making a similar effort at health-care reform." (see page 7)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like a copy of CC article