Friday, March 15, 2019

3/15/2019 Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Al Negstad — 27 minutes ago
    Today's paper had a long article on flooded basements in the metro area.  It's not only here that water is flooding basements.  My brother lives several miles from town in the South Dakota countryside.  He and his wife returned from Lenten services to find water entering their basement through a window well.  Vacuuming late into the night they finally gave up and went to bed.  The next morning thinking that perhaps the volunteer fire department might have sandbags they called the local bank to ask the banker, a volunteer fire fighter, about sandbags.  He said he was sorry but he'd never seen any but he'd be happy to come and help, but my brother declined the offer.  Before long two bankers showed up to help. At this time my sister-in-law was having questions about her telephone and called a neighbor to see if the phone was working. She told of their water problems.  Not long after she hung up the neighbor's son appeared with a tractor and loader to move the snow away from the house.
     It reminded me of a conversation I once had with that banker.  We were visiting as we waited for a community auction to begin.  Spotting a small motorcycle for sale I remarked to the banker that perhaps I should buy it, put hanger on my tractor, then if I had mechanical problems in the field I'd have a way to get back to my garage in town. The banker said "Oh, just call the bank and we'll come and get you." 😁   When I reported this conversation to my brother he said "Or you could call the grain elevator and they'd send someone for you."  Now I have the telephone numbers of the bank and the elevator in my phone."   
    Because I have house in town I get a mailbox in the local post office.  Visiting with the postmistress before I was to be gone a length of time I wondered about filling out a "temporarily away" form.  She thought a minute and then said "Don't bother, if you get anything that looks important I'll tell your brother." 
     This is the community where Joanne rests.



Pictures:  Joanne's marker and the cemetery.

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