Thursday, May 10, 2018

From Caring Bridge

Journal entry by Joanne Negstad — 21 hours ago

      Today, Luther Seminary hosted a reunion for the class of 1968, my class, and I attended the reunion.  It is amazing old we least the other's do.  One of my classmates is related to Joanne.  I knew  that he is, but had forgotten the relationship.  Fortunately, he was present today and I had a chance to ask him how they are related.  Simply put, Joanne's and David's grandfathers were brothers.  That makes them third cousins.
      While visiting with David I was reminded of an interesting family connection between Joanne and me.  After our engagement, Joanne and I traveled to Astoria, S.D., so I could meet her Grandmother, Mary Hanson.  While we were visiting with Grandma she brought out the family Bible, which contained Grandma's baptismal record.  It was recorded in Norwegian which Joanne was able to translate. So, what was so special about it?  Rev. Olai Bergh had baptized her at Singsaas Church, which is just south of Astoria. Special?  Yes, you see, Rev. Bergh is my grandfather, so, my Grandpa baptized Joanne's Grandma!
       About a month after our visit to Grandma Hanson, she died in her sleep.  Without that visit we would have never known of this connection.  Grandpa Bergh, was pastor of a church south of Volga, about 30 miles from Singsaas. Pastors were in short supply in the 1800s so he often traveled to other congregations.  Somehow Grandma Hanson knew that I was Grandpa Bergh's grandson.  My mother was the tenth of Grandpa's twelve children and that explains how my Grandpa was old enough to baptize Joanne's Grandma.

      I was asked if it was hard to go to the reunion in light of Joanne's death.  It wasn't particularly emotional.  What was very difficult was coming home and not having her present to hear my stories.  There was no one to tell...that was hard.



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