A day later I discovered to my chagrin that, Robert, my middle name was spelled Robertet on my application. Knowing how exacting passport control, airlines and other authorities are about such matters I tried to correct the misspelling online. However, that was not possible and the site informed me that I could only do it in person.
Assuming the sooner the better I headed for the airport. . When I arrived at Lindbergh terminal I was met at the parking ramp by an attendant who said I couldn't park there but would need to go to Humphrey Terminal and return via light rail. Checking my 'Zen' I found it was still intact so I decided to make the best of it treating it as a mini-adventure. I drove to Lindbergh and I was directed to the orange ramp where I finally found a spot at the 8th level. Following the signs I got to the light rail station 10 second after a train departed so needed to wait a few minutes for the next one. I took the next one to Lindbergh, up three flights of stairs to a tram which took me to the terminal where I walked to the TSA Office.
Ignoring the "BY APPOINTMENT ONLY SIGN" I signed the sign in sheet and in the blank for my appointment time I wrote "small emergency". A TSA Officer looked at the sheet, asked me the issue, and said he'd see my after the next appointee. Very quickly I was ushered into the office, I pointed out the typo, he turned to his computer and a minute later he said "It's fixed." Mentioning that I had to park at Humphrey he said "You could have just called us." (Smile face here.)
Reversing my course I made my way back to my car and headed home. Zen? Well...I did the whole thing without being impatient trying to remember what I observed in Thailand.
The 2nd floor walkway by the school classrooms. |
As I left Thailand work had begun on this house which had stood partially completed since the 2011 flood. My house is the coral one in the background. |
6th grader Mee, after she'd made a "Thank You" speech to me in English. |
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