Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Crisis Before us.

       George Floyd is dead. You may have watched the video of a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on his neck for several minutes. It's too terrible for me...I cannot bear to watch a man die. Had I attempted to pass a counterfeit $20. bill a week ago, almost certainly, I'd still be alive. Floyd was the third African American male to die at the hand of police in this metro area in short time. Had it not been for my concern for COVID I would have joined the initial protest. It's clear that racial minorities are policed differently than are Caucasians.
      Recently I read Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom. The book not only details Douglass life it also presents a telling history of White Supremacy in America. The current troubles in our city are directly traceable to White Supremacy. White Supremacy denies people of color equal treatment by law enforcement and within the legal system. It creates barriers for minorities in education, employment and other phases of everyday life. When a black man dies, as did Floyd, and the video records that death for all to see, it's a spark to the dry tinder of centuries of racial injustice.
       The police response to the initial peaceful protesting poured fuel on the fire. With some justification, many have suggested the police wanted to make the political leaders look bad. Things quickly got out of hand.  When the first protest was met with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets from the roof of the police precinct station violence ensued.
        Quickly via social media the call went out to White Supremacists and anarchists to come to Minnesota and join the fray. Almost all of the persons arrested last night for rioting in Minneapolis and St. Paul are from out of state.  Minnesota is a popular target for such persons because of our progressive traditions.  The fascist plan is to sow so much discord nationally, note the disturbances in other cities,  that an authoritarian leader steps in to restore order. Think of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Whether or not for this purpose, Trump's tweets have encouraged the violence. Never in his presidency has he challenged White Supremacy and he has called White Supremacists "good folks." He'd love to send Federal troops to Minneapolis to present himself as "the law and order president." This, after a presidency of race baiting and denigration of minorities, immigrants and refugees.
     Minnesota leaders; governor, commissioner of safety, mayors and others have been trying very hard to restore order without additional violence. Were the police to start shooting, as Trump suggested, "the looting starts the shooting begins", it would be full scale war. Many of the rioters mingled in with legitimate protesters are armed and...due to our lack of reasonable gun is legal for them to carry weapons. It is remarkable that there have been no deaths yet. The trouble makers would like nothing better than to ignite a race war.
     These provocateurs mingle with peaceful protesters, run out from the crowd, break a window or start a fire and quickly get lost in the crowd. The governor has imposed an 8 pm curfew and has publicly asked all law abiding citizens to honor it to deny the rioters the cover of a crowd. It is 4:30 as I write and I hope lawful persons will obey the curfew tonight and deny cover to those intent on creating havoc.
     There has been almost no social distancing during the protests. COVID is not a thing of the past and June will likely be our worst month yet. Complicating law and order during this time is that, face masks are encouraged, to slow the spread of virus. Ill intentioned protesters wear face masks ostensibly to avoid spreading COVID but it provides cover for them as they create mayhem.
    So, we hope and pray: for a safe and peaceful night, for racial justice, for our elected leaders and others charged with security, for the well being of those harmed by loss of their businesses and property, for decency and order in our national life and all the other blessings of peace and justice.

Takk for alt,


Where justice is denied, 
where poverty is enforced, 
where ignorance prevails, 
and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, 
neither persons nor property will be safe.   
Frederick Douglass  1818-1895

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