Saturday, September 19, 2009

How quickly I forget!

It's been a couple of years since I read THREE CUPS OF TEA, the story about Greg Mortenson and his work building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I'm almost finished re-reading it for our neighborhood book club discussion on Sunday. It's as inspiring on the second read as it was on the first.
I very seldom re-read books. There are just too many good books to read that I seldom dedicate the time to re-reading. Perhaps that's a mistake. At least I'm startled by how many of the details I've forgotten in a couple of years. For example I'd forgotten that women's centers were a part of the program. After Mortenson completes the first school he's approached by the women of the village who ask for a women's center. The success of that venture leads to the inclusion of women's centers in every village where a school is built.
If you haven't read the book what are you waiting for? If you have read it....well you decide!

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