Saturday, May 16, 2009


Blogging from home is much harder for me than when I'm abroad. It takes much more discipline to notice things in familiar territory. When I'm off in another country there are many things that catch my attention as new and different. One of my favorite travel books is, THE ART OF TRAVEL by Alain de Botton. In this book de Botton comments on the tendency of travelers to often want things to be like what they have at home. I've noticed that. I see Americans who want to socialize with other Americans when they are abroad. Not me. My anti-social side kicks in and I want to be with people of the land I'm visiting.
If you want to read a really good blog read Emily Foecke's report on her time in India. She just arrived. Her blog from Cambodia, I think it's still up at, was a prize. You can read her new blog at

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