Monday, February 5, 2007

So I Enter This Taxi

So I enter this taxi I've flagged on the street and tell him I want to go to the Grand Palace (see pics). Taxi diver, "300Bt". Me, "No, meter". Driver, "200Bt". Me, "No, meter". Driver, "Traffic jam, 200Bt". Me, "No traffic jam, meter." We arrive and the meter reads 67Bt, I give him 100Bt and get out.
As I step out of the taxi at 10:30am a man runs up and says, "Temple closed 'till noon so students can pray, you come with me." Yeah, right if I believe that I'd also buy the Brooklyn Bridge.
I thought I was early enough to beat the crowds at the temple and palace. Wrong. I suppose there could have been more in the afternoon but I don't know where they would have put them. Occasionally I'm asked if I'd lead a tour and my stock answer (which is in jest but not totally false) is that "I don't play well with others." The other reason is that I'd feel obligated to take them to 'the sights' when I most enjoy hanging out in the streets and neighborhoods.
Tomorrow it's home again. Wish I could store up heat. Yesterday was the first day that felt hot to me. Other days have been very pleasant....90 or lower.

1 comment:

KidRanger said...

You're pretty good at standing up for yourself. I'd have been hoodwinked at least twice in that story.

Kim A.