Preparing to leave my hotel before the crack of dawn (3a.m.) I thought I'd just arrange a taxi. The hotel has a taxi service by the front door that advertises Airport 600Bt. I knew that was more than if I just hailed one or made my own arrangement the night before. Not having used the taxi service all the time I was there it occurred to me that I should give them some business. So the morning before I was to leave I made a reservation and anted up the 600bt. At 3a.m. this morning I exit the hotel with my bags. Two ordinary cars are parked in front of the hotel drivers asleep behind the wheel of each. The doorman awakens one of them, throws my bags in the trunk and we're off to the airport. We've only gone a couple of blocks and the driver puts a CD in the player and not only are treated to the sound but the accompanying video comes up on a screen in front of him. To add to the distractions he's soon chatting on his cell phone. But the traffic was light at that hour and we made it to the airport with no trouble.
The current temperature is minus 8 degrees Fahrenheit the pilot announced as we landed in Minneapolis. Not exactly a warm welcome home. I envied the woman seated next to me from Tokyo. She fell asleep before we took off and did not awaken until ten hours later and never left her seat (11 hours flying time) until we landed. I was about to call 911 on her behalf.
It was a good trip....Joanne asked me to rate it so I gave it a 9...on a scale of 1-10.
My next scheduled bloggable trip is to Paris and Romania in May. This time Joanne will go with me because the temps are more to her liking and I promise to make reservations. We leave May 5, and will be gone about 16 days. I may post a few more reflections on this trip I just completed if something comes to mind. I hope you've enjoyed reading the blogs as I have writing them
Hey Pastor Al,
Les, Jim Olsen, Stan and I just had lunch together and we checked out your blog and pictures. It's been fun to follow your travels. Glad to hear you got back safely. Say hello to Joann.
Lois, Les, Jim and Stan
Welcome home. We have enjoyed this vicarious journey.
Julie and Jeff
I was hoping your blogs would NOT stop. We have enjoyed the trip Al, and look forward to "Tales of Dracula" as you and Joanne travel around Romania. I have already started research. jj
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