Thursday, December 26, 2024


       During my years as pastor of various congregations I noted the usual places where parishioners sat. Occasionally someone would relocate and I'd quip "I hardly recognized you sitting there." When congregants move their regular seating place forward it often meant they were more connected to the life of the congregation. Likewise, when someone suddenly moved to the back it often meant that they were on their way out of the church.

     Typically I sit far forward, in about the 4th row. At the conclusion of the service I exit by the front door, near the organ. Exiting out that door and down the steps brings me to the coat rack and the coffee hour in the fellowship hall. Recently this sign.

was posted by that exit. Yup, busted!😀

   Three days of family gatherings in three days, how blessed I am. Today me son's family hosted fourteen of Joanne's family as well as our own. In preparation for the event Evy, my fifteen year old granddaughter made kransekake, see picture below.  Picture's not downloading...see tomorrow.

Takk for alt,
