Friday, December 22, 2023

Another Memory

      The Garfield reprinted below brought back memories of the days when my children were in college. This was long before cell phones so calls were received on the landline. Joanne was compulsive about answering phone calls. It was considered moral failure if the phone rang more than three times before answering and getting it at one or two rings indicated moral worth.

    With the children away at college and Joanne answering the phone occasionally the child on the other end would say "Hi mom, let me talk to dad." That was a clear signal that a car question was to follow. Sometimes I was able to make an auto diagnosis long distance.

    There was the time Lisa was in Baltimore and I in Minneapolis. "Dad, there's air leaking by the cap on the tire valve stem."  Al responds "Take a needle nose plier, removed the cap, insert the nose of the plier in the stem and rotate clockwise. "SCHREAK!!!"    Al "What's the matter?" Lisa I knelt down in dog doo!" The leakage was solved and this is a reminder do dog owners to pick up after your pet.

Takk for alt,


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