Thursday, February 15, 2018

Never Explained........

     Pear's University (MFU) is entered by a two lane street that circles the campus and exits beside the entering street.  There are other exit/entrances for special use but the gates are normally locked  After the graduation festivities we piled into the family's SUV to go back to the resort.  In bumper to bumper traffic for awhile we turned off and followed a mini-van headed for a back gate.  The mini-van was waved through but the guard turned us back.
   Back to the bumper to bumper traffic we went and soon we were at a standstill in line.  There we sat for 45 minutes without moving.  We were beginning to think we'd spend the night.  Then a man came to our window and told us to go back to the gate where we'd been refused exit.  Making a U turn we sped back to the gate and were waved through.
   Why us?  "Did the man know you?" No."  "Did you bribe someone?"  "No."  "Why of all the vehicles in line did he choose us?"  "No  idea."  None of the other cars turned around but there was one in front of us at the gate that got waved aside.  Perhaps this is where one invokes "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
    Tracking days, months, years is a bit of a challenge.  Once when I was exiting an Alzheimer's unit I had to punch the current year to exit.  It too me thee tries!  The absent minded professor?  Perhaps one more attempt and they would have kept me.
    However, I do know that this is 2018.  Which leads to my question "Why did we just celebrate commencement for the class of 2016?"   There was a big banner on campus "Welcome Alumni of 2017".  So their commencement will be next year.  Perhaps MFU just got behind and never caught up and I'll never have an explanation.
All classes were in English but the diploma is in Thai.

Pear, parents and grandmother. 

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