Monday, December 22, 2014

Mai Drops Out Of School.

     Thailand's troubles (see a previous post) have hit their tourist industry hard.  Now Russia's troubles have compounded the problem.  Thailand was a a very popular vacation destinations for Russians. With the drastic devaluation of the Ruble, most Russians have cancelled their planned trips to Thailand.
    The situation has become so difficult for Gai and Mai, the Tuk-Tuk, drivers, that their 16 year old daughter,  also named Mai, has had to drop out of school and go to work.  When times were better Gai would accompany her husband Mai in the Tuk-Tuk.  Her English was better so she could  play host/interpreter.  She left the Tuk-Tuk work last spring to take another job to boost income.  But, even that has not been enough to enable daughter Mai to stay in school.
    The political situation will not be resolved soon and very likely will get worse before it gets better,
Mai, now working.

Mai and Gai with their Tuk-Tuk.

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