Noble Academy conducted a fire drill while I was volunteering. The 5th graders quickly lined up and trooped responsibly out to the parking lot until the "all clear" signal. Everything I've witnessed at Noble thus far has been well done.
We didn't have fire drills at Brookings Country rural school #21 in the eight years I attended. It wouldn't have taken a teacher and twelve students long to exit that small room. The furnace (stove) was in the front of the room and the exit in the rear so the likely hood of being trapped was small. What good the quart size, glass fire extinguishers near the ceiling would have done is debatable.
While I was in grades 1-4, heat was from a coal burner in the front left corner. The school was uninsulated so when the coal burned out in the evening the inside of the room quickly became as cold as the outside temperature. It was the teacher's job to arrive early and light the fire so that there was some heat in the room when students arrived.
When the coal burner was replaced with an oil burner we thought that we'd really arrived! The burner would be turned down after school but there would be some heat in the room in the morning. There was no coal fire to light nor coal to schlep into the school from the coal shed.
One thing remained the same. Students sent to stand in the corner for misbehavior stood in the corner behind the stove; coal or oil.
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