Saturday, February 20, 2010

First rain......

It rained a little shower yesterday (Saturday) morning which kept it bit cooler for awhile, though I still didn't need a parka.
Reflections on sidewalks: they are for cooking, eating, sleeping, selling, riding and parking motorcycles, begging, advertising and, if there is any space left, walking.
There is a grandmother with a little girl, perhaps 2 or 3, who are often begging near the guesthouse. As I approach the little girls presses her hands together in the traditional wai. When I approach the next time, after having dropped a coin in the cup when I passed the first time, the girl's wai is replaced be a shy wave. The same beggars are in the same place from year to year although this year I haven't seen the man who inches on his stomach his cup pushed ahead of him. There aren't many beggars in Thailand.
Many blind people are equipped with portable music boxes through which they sing while soliciting contributions. Some have sighted people guiding them.
Minibus here I come cuz it's time to go back to Ayutthaya.

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