Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Duck, duck rice goose........

Lucky us! We just had a visit from Lisa B., V.P. at LWR (Lutheran World Relief) fresh back from a trip to the Philippines. She brought with her some great stories. She said visiting a new rice processor in southern Mindanao, a very poor part of the Philippines, marvelous as it is, wasn't as interesting as the ducks. She noticed a man herding a large flock of ducks in the rice paddies. LWR had provided the ducks which are herded to graze in the paddies. The ducks eat the weeds, snails, bugs and pests but not the rice. Their grazing has eliminated the need for herbicides and pesticides. They also fertilize as they graze. Additionally they lay seventy or more eggs per day. Many of the eggs are sold, except for those eaten by his family, enhancing his income. Occasionally they'll eat a duck, a treat they never had before. LWR has a great website; Check it out.

Coming soon; the story of Carlos and Jose.

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