Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spiritual directors have a way......

It was Joanne's day to see her spiritual director, Sister Liz. Joanne was describing how my earlier blog had captured her experience. After a lifetime of work, finally at retirement, she was free to do the things she really wanted to do. There were three weeks of glorious freedom and then the fall. Joanne didn't nail 95 thesis to the church door she bounced off it breaking her shoulder and with the break came curtailment of freedom. Sister Liz sat back listening and then she asked, "so what freedom does this break bring?" Now there's a different way of looking at it for a person who is a life long doer! One person, hearing of this exchange said, "Ya, if it was me I'd just lie on the couch and see all the movies I'd missed." What freedom does this bring? Get that answer right and the result may be a new found peace.

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