After meeting Greg Mortenson and hearing him speak at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum at Concordia, Joanne thought she should read his book, Three Cups of Tea. It tells the story of the building of schools, particularly for girls, in Pakistan and Afganistan (61 to date). A well written and inspiring book it illuminates the problem illiterate women face. Living with the Dutch gives us some small sense of the frustration of illiteracy, or, Joanne would have read the sign that proclaimed "this lane closed" and not have waited in vain at the grocery check-out. Everyone here seems to speak English very well but signage is only in Dutch, unlike SE Asia, where everything is in both the country language and English. Oh, Yes, and Joanne recommends the book.
Deep into the biograpy of Gengis Khan I also recommend it. Written by a professor at Macalester College it is both very readable and very educational.
So, tomorrow, it's on to Budapest......
No comments? How disappointing.
OK, here's one. Yes, someone at church told me 3 Cups of Tea was a great book to read, but I haven't yet. She is the same person that told me about The Kite Runner, which is an amazing book, If you haven't read that, or Thousand Splendid Suns, you have to. Al, who's the author of the Gengis Kahn book?
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